Monday, August 18, 2008

Abs Exercises

Abdominal exercises are inturn shortly termed as abs exercise. One would imagine the a 6 pack abs by hearing abs exercises. But it is little way longer than anyone could imagine. There are atleast 100 different abs exercises treated with various slight degree of variation from each one of them. So it is a must to understand and do which one is exactly good for us to provide us with good results. Here are a few types of such abs exercises that has proven good for every kind of people who wish to have a 6 pack abs.

1. Bicycle Crunch

2. Captain's chair

3. Ball Crunch

4. Reverse Crunch

5. Oblique Crunch

Out of all these most favoured were the bicycle crunch, captain's chair and the ball crunch.

Bicycle Crunch :

You dont need any sophesticated instruments or tools to do this exercise. Some simple steps are

  • · Hold your hands to the back of your head and lie flat on the floor
  • · Remember to use a sheet on the floor
  • · Raise the left leg and bend the knee to forty five degrees
  • · Now keep the leg straight and move the other leg off the ground
  • · Slowing touching your left knee through the right elbow, lift your body ( dont do this vigorously until you are well trained )
  • · Switch with your left elbow and right knee similar to a cycle ( bicycle )
  • · Repeat this for 10 or 15 times
  • · On continuous workout this can be increased to 50 or 100 times also

Captain's Chair :

This requires an item found in gym commonly called as the captain's chair. The speciality of this exercise is that it increases the degrees your body strains in doing this exercise. Steps to do are

  • · Place your hands holding both the hands
  • · Stay flat with your elbow resting on the padded arm of the chair
  • · Here you have to move both of the knees towards your chest
  • · Then return them back to their old straight position
  • · Do this exercise for some 10 or 15 times daily
  • · On continuous workout it can be done for 25 or 30 times
The importance is that, since the knees are moving towards the chest, the cholestrol of the body gets burnt and the increase of body movement and degree of variation is significant and result a healthy fit body with a 6 pack abs.

A slight variation of this exercise can be done. For persons with high fat near the hip, belly side can do this by slightly twisting their legs when bringing near the chest. Important thing to note is that all these should be done slowly. No vigorous training until you have mastered them.

Ball Crunch :

This requires you to have a small or large ball, where you can lie with your back on the ball and your knees touching the ground. The steps involved are

  • · Stay with your back lying on the ball and your feets touching the floor
  • · Slowly move to and fro on the ball making a torso movement
  • · You move forwards then your neck touches the ball
  • · Moving backwards results in more flexibility of the abdominal muscles

This is highly effective for persons with high cholestrol and fat content. Due to the torso movement made, you have the highest chance of getting a flexible fit body with cholestrol burnt during the exercises.

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